Monday, March 25, 2013

Learn Newari Bhasa : Nepal Bhasa/ Newari

Its time to learn Nepal Bhasa/ Newari Language

Chapter 1

English ---> Nepal Basa
Good Morning/afternoon/evening/night ---> Jwa-ja-la-paa
What ---> Chuu
This ---> Thwa
That ---> Wa
Yes ---> Khah
No ---> Ma-khu
What ---> Chuu
When ---> Ga- ba-le
Where ---> Ga-na
Which ---> Gu-gu(goo)
Who ---> Su(soo)
Why ---> Su-yaa
Whose ---> Su-yaa
Whom ---> Gu-mha
How(in what way) ---> Ga-the (-the as in theft)
How (to what degree) ---> Gu-li
Best Wishes ---> Bhin-tu-naa
Welcome ---> La-sa-ku-sa
Thank you ---> Su-bhaay

|| Learn Nepal Bhasa / Newari – Chapter 2 ||

English --> Nepal Basa
Please come in --> Jhaa-saa
Please have a seat --> Di-saa
Bon appetite --> Bu-lun bah-pi
I am sorry --> Maph yaa-naa di-saa
Maybe --> Kha-ye-phu
Don’t know --> Ma-siu
It’s ok --> Jiu
It’s not ok --> Ma-jiu
Never mind --> Mawaah-la
Isn’t it? --> Ma-khu laa
Don’t do that! --> Yaa-ye-ma-te!
Give way --> Bi-naa-bi
I am done for --> Kaa phu-ta
Sucks --> Chhi-chhi

LINK to go to facebook source of lessons

Learn Nepal Bhasa / Newari – Chapter 3
EEnglish --> Nepal Basa
How are you? --> Mhan –phu-laa?
I am fine --> Mhan- phu
My name is … --> Ji –gu naa…..khah.
This is my friend Mary. --> Thwa ji-mii paa-saa Mary Khah. (This my friend Mary is)
House/home --> Cheen
Where do you live? --> Chhigu chhen ga-na khah? (Your house where is)
I live in Kathmandu. --> Ji-gu cheen Sydney khah (My house Sydney in is)
How are things? --> Gay chwan? (how is)
Fine --> Baan laah

| Learn Nepal Bhasa / Newari – Chapter 4 ||

English --> Nepal Basa
I am coming --> Wala
I am coming too --> Ji nann wa-ye
I am out of here --> Ji laa wa-na
Here, please take it --> Ka-yaa-di-sann
How are things? --> Chuu du?
How is that? --> Gay chwann?
Hurry up --> Yaa-ka-nann-yaa
I don’t think it’s true --> Khai ma-khu
I was joking --> a-thenn dha yaa-gu
It wasn’t me --> Ji ma-khu
It’s late --> li-baa-ta
It’s not time yet --> Ma-tyah-ni
It’s time --> Tya-la
Just a moment --> Pa-lakh aa-se
Let’s go --> Wa-ne-nu
Really --> Dhaat-thenn khah
There is no rush --> Ha-thaay ma juu
This way please --> Thu-khenn jhaa-sann
Wait up --> aa-se
What a time it took you --> Ga-baay-ta maah-gu
Where’s ___ (someone) gone? --> ga-na-wa-na?